
Yulian Girik: "The key difference is in the approach. HC SKA Minsk raise players, while in CSKA they are imposed with demands like experienced players"
25 October 2022

Yulian Girik: "The key difference is in the approach. HC SKA Minsk raise players, while in CSKA they are imposed with demands like experienced players"

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Meshkov Brest turned out to be stronger than HC Masheka in the group B opening match on their home court
2 October 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Meshkov Brest turned out to be stronger than HC Masheka in the group B opening match on their home court

SEHA-GAZPROM League. East Division. HC Permskie medvedi started the tournament with a confident win over HC Gomel
1 October 2022

SEHA-GAZPROM League. East Division. HC Permskie medvedi started the tournament with a confident win over HC Gomel

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Chekhovskie medvedi confidently won in a home opening match with HC SKA Minsk
30 September 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Chekhovskie medvedi confidently won in a home opening match with HC SKA Minsk

Handballfast exclusive. Vladislav Radimov: "I missed the Russian football Cup final because of Vyakhireva"
7 September 2022

Handballfast exclusive. Vladislav Radimov: "I missed the Russian football Cup final because of Vyakhireva"

Vladislav Radimov, the champion of the country in 2007, the UEFA Cup and the European Super Cup winner in 2008 and now the head coach of Zenit-2, loves handball. Like Egor Titov and Yury Semin. 

Norway. The right back Anna Vyakhireva: "Handball is the most important for me. I definitely didn’t come to Vipers Kristiansand for money"
31 August 2022

Norway. The right back Anna Vyakhireva: "Handball is the most important for me. I definitely didn’t come to Vipers Kristiansand for money"

The HFR President Sergey Shishkarev: ‘‘I am for justice. If we look for an objective attitude to ourselves, we should treat our competitors in the same way’’
20 August 2022

The HFR President Sergey Shishkarev: ‘‘I am for justice. If we look for an objective attitude to ourselves, we should treat our competitors in the same way’’

Belgazprombank Cup. In the final confrontation the home team Meshkov Brest ceded to the national team of Belarus under the guidance of Yury Shevtsov
14 August 2022

Belgazprombank Cup. In the final confrontation the home team Meshkov Brest ceded to the national team of Belarus under the guidance of Yury Shevtsov

Ethics Commission of the IHF issued a warning to the head of Norway Federation Kare Geir Lio for repeated violation the Code of Ethics
8 August 2022

Ethics Commission of the IHF issued a warning to the head of Norway Federation Kare Geir Lio for repeated violation the Code of Ethics

SEHA League. HFR and BHF signed an agreement for participation in tournament in 2022/2023 season
22 July 2022

SEHA League. HFR and BHF signed an agreement for participation in tournament in 2022/2023 season

Nataliya Derepasko about work in Fenix: "Bodniyeva didn't have to convince me for a long time. I quickly agreed"
27 June 2022

Nataliya Derepasko about work in Fenix: "Bodniyeva didn't have to convince me for a long time. I quickly agreed"

The head coach of a just created Chinese team Fenix told Handballfast about the last season in the Champions League and readiness to new challenges in the Russian championship.

Champions League. Valily Filipov: ''I would acknowledge Artem Karalek who has done a giant amount of rough work. He played both games at the highest level"
20 June 2022

Champions League. Valily Filipov: ''I would acknowledge Artem Karalek who has done a giant amount of rough work. He played both games at the highest level"

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