When a schoolboy, I remember admiring the play of Talant Dujshebaev for CSKA. Later, being a young journalist, I was happy when one of the best handball players of the XX century won the Champions League with Spanish Teka from Santander in 1994. Talant won the Goodwill Games with the USSR national team, won the Olympic Games-1992 with the CIS team, the World Cup-1993 — with the Russian team.
Everything can’t be listed, there were more different tournament medals with the national team of Spain and, obviously, numerous awards with clubs…
Dujshebaev is more familiar to the current generation of supporters, naturally, as a coach. Again, as the one who got the trophies in the Champions League several times. Surely, we won’t list all the medals of national championships of Spain and Poland — we’ll get tired!
However, the occasion for another conversation of Talant Ibraimovich with Handballfast is far from festive. Have you seen the emotional speech he gave (well, he can say something that causes goosebumps) after the final in the calendar year match of the Polish club Kielce, headed by him, to city and regional authorities, sponsors, journalists and supporters?

— It begs the first question, you know. How serious is it? Or did you intentionally slightly exaggerated, remembering glorious Spanish clubs, that ceased to exist, that were lead to great victories by you, in particular?
— No, I am not the one who says something just for effect. The situation is really deeply troubling. But to start with, I would mildly correct you: the teams still exist in Santander and Ciudad Real, but at a lower level than previously. To put it mildly, they are not even candidates for participation in the Champions League, what can we say about aiming for the trophy!
Why did I speak so emotionally? Just because I’m worried. About common cause. About the team. About the supporters, who dote on us. I really want to break the ice in the hearts of people, whom the club funding may depend on. I would try to help at least in this way.
I would say again: I feel the pain not for myself. And even not for the players. I emphasized there, that we will get a job, me and the handball players. Perhaps, even higher paying one. At least I know, that many players have offers with better conditions, than they have at the moment. But they wanted to stay in Kielce because of the team. Because they enjoy the atmosphere there.
And it would be wrong to hide the fact that it’s a pity for spending my own efforts within almost a decade. During all this time we had been scrupulously arranging the work. We built the team brick by brick. We didn’t change half of the line-up at once, as it happens somewhere else, but step by step we were adding literally few people each year. And we got the current team, ready to fight for the victory in the Champions League.
It’s easy to break. It’s hard to rebuild from scratch.
— Is it more difficult than to maintain what you have?
— It is far more difficult, believe me. Whereas today, for example, it is decided to recreate a team in Santander or in Ciudad Real, seeking the highest European awards, it will require much more effort than it would have been necessary to maintain the level at that time. Whilst no one can guarantee the result. You can invest millions and win nothing, isn’t? There are plenty of such examples.
No matter what they say, it isn’t blackmail, nothing like it. It’s just a sober assessment of the situation.
Besides, we shouldn’t forget about the advertising effect. Millions and millions should be invested in promotion to make people all around the world aware of existence of such a city as Ciudad Real, such region as Cantabria. Or to spend much less on a handball club, thanks to which they are recognized everywhere. I’m sure, the money, given to us, are, that is called, multiply returned due to the influx of tourists.

— Did you discuss the current situation with your children, also wonderful handball players Alex and Daniel, your wife Olga, the world handball champion?
— Just yesterday we were walking along the ocean shore. And I tell her: "It feels like we won’t cope with it this time!" Indeed, as I’ve already mentioned, it would be a shame, this is not even the right word. But I’m definitely not an optimist at the moment.
The point is that it’s impossible to tighten their belts endlessly. Let’s make a 25% pay cut this year, then again… Many have families, everyone should think about the future. As I’ve already said, and without that people refuse options better than here. Then let them leave — and we will continue to work further.
— How unexpected to you was the decision of the title partner to refuse cooperation with the club?
— It’s a really good question! Exactly — unexpected! We all understand that the times are hard now. I don’t feel like judging anyone once again. And we treat the sponsors’ decision with respect. But, you must agree that a little splinter can’t stay away — they could have told about it a little bit earlier. At least in June. In order to give an opportunity to find other sources of financing by the end of the year. I’m 90 percent sure — it would have worked.
Still, large companies, unlike us, make plans not for the season. Not from 1 July till 30 June. But for calendar years. And when they inform only in November that they terminate sponsor relations, you just have no backlash to search for a suitable replacement. Everyone has already planned everything out for the next year! If we knew about it in June, we would have a few months in reserve.

— Did I get it right, that Kielce, as it now stands, can cease to exist at the end of the season 2022-23? Or even earlier — already this winter?
— Well, no, we’ll survive until the summer. The President of the club (Bertus Servaas — Handballfast) assured everyone, that by the end of the year as a last resort he would pay everybody from personal funds. At the same time he emphasized that our prospects would clear up by 15-31 January. In simple terms, all the players will know it clearly, what is waiting for us next season.
— Do you manage to switch off at least a little from all this and just take a break now? It’s a pity to spend the entire little pause in tournament and training schedule for worrying…
— I completely agree. As I’ve said, I go for a walk along the shore of the ocean with my wife and understand — the life is so wonderful! So, we try to walk as much as possible and thing less. But you know, you can’t hide completely from all of this.
In general, it may be said, I like winter pause. If not for this situation, everything would be great. That’s the feeling, when we worked hard in summer and autumn, laid the base for the future and the only thing left to do is to recharge the batteries properly at the turn of the years — and the most pleasant 6 months are ahead... When everything should go on down the road. It’s pleasant to see, when everything goes well. And at times I enjoyed my team playing recently.
— Will you celebrate the New Year in Spain at home?
— In Spain, but not at home. For the first time in a long time. The thing is that Julen Aguinagalde (a famous Spanish handball player — Handballfast) is getting married right on the New Year’s eve! Certainly, we are all going — me with Olga, as well as Alex and Danya…
— Will the marriage be in Basque region?
— No, that’s how we do it: the marriage is usually arranged in a place, where the man came from. It is in another way in Spain: people are often going to the bride’s homeland. And Julen’s future wife is from Barcelona, we will celebrate there.

— Oh, Spain is a kingdom of matriarchy indeed! It is almost the only country in Europe for a reason, where the mother’s second name is added to the father’s… But let’s talk about something else. I wanted to ask before — you always praise your competitors before the match. Is it done in order to make them tap their noses? Or not to keep your team relaxed before the match?
— No, I just thought and think that the main thing in the sport and in life is respect. To your competitors, to your wards. To your teachers. The respect from a coach to journalist. And conversely, from a journalist to a coach. I must admit, it is unpleasant to read opuses, written by some of your colleagues. Even not for the reason that amateurish approach comes through, but because that very respect to handball people is not visible.
That is why I never allow the players to speak dismissive about the rival. Even if you meet with the third league team at the first Cup stage — remember, that you were the same young guy. And you were beat by the more experienced with a difference of 20-30 balls. Remember: you always play with a worthy competitor. After all, we are from handball world. And we must respect each other.
I always set an example of rugby in this regard. it is a game of true men! They are fighting on the field not sparing nighter themselves, nor competitors. And then they drink beer together. It should be the same in handball.

— And can you also drink wine after the game with your colleague? For instance, with the same Carlos Ortega, whom you were playing with for the Spanish national team?
— Everything but the wine! When you run and shout all the game, I would rather choose beer (smiling)... Well, generally, I can seat at the table with everyone, whom I have a contact with. Primarily with Spanish coaches and with Russian ones and Belarusian, of course, with all from former USSR. And I am in good relations with many German coaches. Certainly, there are some people, the relations with whom are not established. But love cannot be forced. You can’t be on the same wave with everybody.
— And some actual questions. Speaking abut this season, many (for example, Handballfast expert Alexey Kamanin) note good form of Kielce handball players. Is everything going as you planned?
—The things don’t work out how I planned during the whole season. At least for the reason that, unfortunately, there is such an unpleasant thing as injuries. You may see it on the news — someone sprains cruciate ligament or something else happens occasionally… That is why we also have to adapt to the circumstances. We don’t know in advance, how it is going to be. But we can react properly. It is also a coaching skill. And not only to prepare the team to the season appropriately.

— The Belarusian pivot Artem Korolek was nominated for the player of the year, like one of your sons — Alex. Is there a chance to win?
— If it is objectively — why not? Artem did a great job this year. He was recognized as the MVP of the Final Four not without a reason.
The voting system is unfair, but it’s a different matter. Since the supporters decide a lot now.
Moreover, it is decided not just by the supporters, but through online voting. And it means, that much depends on the place where internet works better. Let’s assume, everything is great in Finland, can you imagine, if at least one strong handball player was from there? And he would be nominated… Also much depends on the amount of people in the country. Do you remember, what happened, when whole China voted for the basketball player Yao Ming?
— Is there a way out?
— My strong belief is that voting, when determining the best in particular nomination, should be held primarily between the players, coaches, reputable experts. The opinion of the supporters should be taken in consideration as well, but in a certain proportion. That’s more fair.
And that’s despite the fact that I respect immensely supporters, anyone tells you. And I suppose, it is mutually. At least now (I mean the situation in Kielce) I feel their support. When you go out, people come up to you, thank, tell warm words. People of all ages. It cannot be put into the words, what positive emotions I experience.
By and large, it is worth working for. When you see, that normal people support you. I’m sure they are always the majority. But in general, there are different shouts, especially in the internet. You can’t shut everyone up. Moreover, some people are just asserting themselves. Do you remember, how it was in classic? Dog Moska evidently is very strong if she dares to bark at the elephant.

— The World Cup is approaching. Do you expect celebration?
— Surely, I’m waiting for it. The championship will be held in Poland, where people love handball incredibly. And they know how to prepare to big tournaments. From this point of view the holiday will definitely be.
Speaking about the game itself — well, probably, such situation exists not only in handball, but I share the opinion that regarding World championships it’s difficult to talk about the level of development of sport or about the tendencies. Still the clubs set the game better. In first turn, interactions, combinations, connections are worked out there…
— You also worked with national teams in Hungary and Poland. Can you tell, that you won’t get back to this experience?
— One thing is for sure — I won’t combine the work in a club and in a national team. As it turned out, it is absolutely unreal. Unless you have a base team with 90 percent of players from national team… But actually other things switch on then. Moral ones mostly. Barely anyone can resist from enticing all the strongest players in the country by using certain leverage. However, that’s not the point.
At the moment I prefer working in the club. To train for me is to be on my toes constantly. Minimum 300 days in a season. In this case it’s much easier, than to meet several times a year. But that’s how it is at this moment. But further ahead — who knows. Life is an unpredictable thing!
Photo: HC Kielce press