The II Games of the CIS countries. The youth national team of Russia defeated the peers from Uzbekistan with a 24-goal advantage

14:19, 6 August 2023
Aleksey Gumyanov’s wards held the second match at the II Games of the CIS countries.
The Russian team achieved a confident victory over the representatives from Uzbekistan with an advantage of 24 balls. Polina Musina scored eight goals.
Thus, the finalists of the tournament were defined in advance. According to regulations, the teams which take the first and the second places, will play in the final match. It would definitely be the national teams of Belarus and Russia. The final will take place 9 August. And the teams will compete for the first place in the group 8 August.
6 August
The women’s youth teams
Uzbekistan — Russia — 22:46 ((15:26) (Erkabaeva — 7, Saparbaeva, Kimsanoeva — 6 each; Musia — 8, Matakhadze — 7, Babenko — 6)
Belarus — Kyrgyzstan — 50:6 (24:2) (Plaskonnaya — 11, Babich — 7, Loskot, Kazeka — 6 each; Maslakova — 3)
Tournament standings (after two matches). 1. Russia — 4 points. 2. Belarus — 4. 3. Uzbekistan — 0. 4. Kyrgyzstan — 0.
The men’s youth teams
Belarus-2 — Russia — 33:45 (19:23)
Belarus — Uzbekistan — 50:19 (28:8)
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